Core values are a person’s fundamental beliefs.
Below are my core values that guide my life and time with you.
I believe that we go through many seasons in our lives. Some seasons may bring joy and others pain, some seasons seem to make sense and others confuse us. Expectancy helps us in all seasons. When we work together, I will work with you from a place of expectancy. This means that in our time together, I am expectant that things will change for you and we will discover the meaning of the season you are currently in.
In life we speak with people on a daily basis. Things get said in these interactions about who we are or situations we are in. Some things said encourage us. Some things that are said may make us feel bad, that there is something wrong with us. As a person and as your counsellor, I am very aware of my words. I want to use my words to encourage you. Encouraging you and seeing you in ways you may not see yourself can lead to healing and a new story about who you are and your abilities.
Knowing a person’s feelings helps you connect with them. It is important for me to know you and your feelings. This will create connection. Our connection and you feeling known can help heal the pain caused by others. Healing from pain caused by others can help change the current relationships you have in your life.
There are times in our lives when we are physically, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally healthier than other times. Sometimes, people decide to see a counsellor because their health has changed. I want you to enjoy good health. One of my roles as your counsellor is to support you in improving your health. The main way I improve and maintain my own health and can support you in doing the same is through self-reflection. Taking time to reflect on what and how we think, feel, say, and do is a great starting place for changing health.
Grace is favour that you don’t have to work or do anything for. There have been many times in my life where I have been met with grace. Often people value us for what we do instead of who we are. If we don’t live up to people’s expectations, we fall out of favour with them. This is where grace is needed. Grace says you are loveable no matter what you do. I don't care how bad you have messed up or how many times you have fallen. I am more concerned that in our work together you will experience unconditional love, care, and favour from me. From my own experiences, I have seen how much grace can help us in our time of need. Grace allows us to accept ourselves where we are at, be accountable for our lives, and take steps toward moving our lives in the direction we want them to go. I want to ensure you experience grace from me in our time together.